Small letters.

To the smiley one,
Don't change anything, except for being a little more optimistic.
The one you joke about

To the aggressive one,
I've been avoiding you a little bit lately. I don't know why you've been like this, but it makes me kind of sad.
Your friend

To the bee,
You are the laziest bee I've ever known. Which is a good thing. I wish I could have as much time as you do. 
The flower

To the witty one,
I should be more nice to you. Help me to be more nice to you.
The dumb one

To the kind one,
I don't know if I could have gotten through this week without you. You don't know how generous you are. You are also really smart despite what people say.
Your old friend

To the beautiful one,
I'm so sorry I ever doubted you. I love you and am so proud of you.
The one that looks up to you

To the one that hurts,
I wish I could have seen you to hug you. You can bet your bottom dollar that I will run and hug you as fast as I can the next time I see you.
The one with the chocolate pudding


  1. This is really cool. I like the variety of things you addressed.

  2. Showing love in all circumstances is important. Loved this one a lot.

  3. Great post! I'm stealing this format!

  4. I love that YOU changed your name at the end of every note.
