This isn't about you.

This isn't about compromises, and this isn't about love.

I know I shouldn't say stuff like "my life is just getting started" because we've been taught not to say that, but I still feel that way regardless.
3 months.
3 months.
Specifically 82 days, until it all changes.

But this isn't my sentimental post about how we are all graduating soon.

Hours, minutes, noon, midnight, time has truly never been faster than now. Why I am not Matthew McConaughey in Interstellar. I'd like to be able to go inside a black hole and have a handle on time.

With every new knot in my back, I remind myself I need to relax, and to let time slow down on its own.

I'm trying, and I know that you are. I really don't know what to say though, but you can help me with that.


  1. "With every new knot in my back, I remind myself I need to relax, and to let time slow down on its own."
    I have to remind myself of this too. But i still can't get rid of the knots

  2. The knot in your back. Great description of something everyone's feeling.
